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Delaware is a great place for Hispanic Americans to find job opportunities. The state has many resources available to help them gain employment, including the Delaware JobLink program and the Latino Employment Program (LEP), which helps employers find qualified Hispanic-American employees. Additionally, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion works with employers in Delaware to create greater diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

The Delaware JobLink program is a partnership between the state government and local employers to provide job seekers with access to employment opportunities. The program has helped connect Hispanic Americans to thousands of new jobs throughout Delaware, including positions in healthcare, information technology, manufacturing, retail, education, construction trades, financial services, transportation and logistics, and hospitality.

The LEP is an important resource for Hispanic Americans looking for employment in Delaware. The program works with employers to place qualified Hispanic American candidates in the workplace, as well as provide job training and other services to help employees succeed on the job. This includes workshops on resume writing, interview techniques, networking, and career planning, as well as providing resources for continuing education and job advancement.

In addition to these programs, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion works to ensure that Delaware employers comply with local and federal laws related to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This includes creating policies and procedures to prevent discrimination against Hispanic Americans, ensuring equitable treatment of all employees regardless of race, ethnicity or national origin, and providing resources for employees to report any discrimination they may experience.

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